The bouffant origin story involves one of the most colourful characters in British hairdressing; Raymond Bessone. Also known as Mr Teasy Weasy, he was the first TV hairdresser and earned his nickname for his habit of ‘teasy weasying’ hair into place. A lover of colour, he popularised pink and purple hair for the modern woman and even coloured his dogs to match. Throughout the 1950s he also made voluminous hairstyles mainstream, using roller sets and endless cans of hairspray to craft the style that became the bouffant. For those who couldn’t afford Raymond’s Mayfair prices, hair could be set at home on recently-invented and widely available mesh rollers, or even empty cans to create serious volume. A 1956 Life magazine article reported that the bouffant was, “more exaggerated than anything seen since… the turn of the century.” For those whose own hair wasn’t quite big enough, this was the golden era of wigs and hairpieces, all designed to help women achieve the towering hairstyles of their dreams.