Vertiginous, plasticised and rainbow bright, mohawks are a picture of 70s British punk. Their roots however, were planted way before, in the 17th century on the plains of what is now Nebraska by the American Indian Pawnee tribe. Known for their brazen fighting spirit, American paratroopers in World War II adopted a version of the hairstyle, wearing it alongside stripes of face paint, in a bid to intimidate the Germans. Modern day iterations come via the A Team’s Mr T. Less warrior in connotation was David Beckham’s. Miley Cyrus’ too - a sexily dishevelled version flaunted on a 2014 cover of Love Magazine. Over time, mohawks have indeed gotten less severe and more wearable. Buzzed sides are not a prerequisite - far from, and the peak itself can be as coiffed and flowing or flat and braided, no neon necessary.